
Myths About Tummy Tuck Surgery That Deserve To Be Cleared Up


Tummy tuck surgery involves removing skin from the midsection for the appearance of a more toned abdomen. It is really popular among women who have loose abdominal skin due to pregnancy, and among people who have lost a significant amount of weight. But in spite of the popularity of the tummy tuck, there are a lot of myths floating around about it, and those myths are not doing anyone any favors.

4 June 2020

Aftercare Instructions For Tummy Tuck Surgery


Tummy tuck surgery is often performed after significant amounts of weight have been lost or after childbirth. It is considered a cosmetic procedure, and before you undergo your surgery, you will need to schedule a consultation appointment with your surgeon. During your appointment, your physician will talk to you about what to expect before, during, and immediately following your tummy tuck, as well as the following aftercare instructions.  Drainage Tube Care

18 March 2020

Breast Augmentations Past A Certain Age: Should You Do It?


Breast augmentation is generally considered a mid-life surgery for women who have had all the children they intend to have or who have no intentions of ever having children. If you know that your family is complete and/or you are unlikely to ever become pregnant or need to nurse an infant, you can have breast augmentation. However, if you are past a certain age, a "boob job" may not be a worthwhile.

20 January 2020

Physical And Psychological Benefits Of Breast Reduction Surgery


Also known as mammaplasty, breast reduction surgery is a plastic surgery procedure that not only offers patients physical benefits but also psychological benefits. During your breast reduction procedure, your surgeon will remove excess tissue, skin, and fat from one or both of the breasts. In cases of severe asymmetry, only one breast may need to be reduced to match the size and contour of the other breast. Here are some physical and psychological benefits of mammaplasty to discuss with your plastic surgeon.

9 December 2019

How Should You Prepare For Breast Reduction Surgery?


If you are tired of the constant back pain that comes with having large breasts, you probably cannot wait to finally have breast reduction surgery performed. You'll experience so much relief once the procedure is over and your incisions have healed. But first, you have to actually prepare for the procedure! Here are a few ways to prepare for your breast reduction. 1. Tell your doctor about any and all medications and supplements you are taking.

10 October 2019

3 Things To Know About Non Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation


Over time women often begin to notice changes in their vaginas. Things like childbirth, aging, and hormonal changes can have a major impact on the vagina. Many women notice vaginal laxity, lack of lubrication, a decrease in sexual arousal, and even a decrease in tone as the years go by or after they have children. There are various vaginal rejuvenation treatments available, both surgical and non surgical, that seek to restore the vagina.

4 August 2019

Breast Lift Surgery: What To Expect


Your kids are getting older, you're done with breastfeeding, and you're ready to pay attention to yourself. For many moms, a breast lift is an ideal way to regain their confidence after having one or many babies. If you're considering a breast lift, understanding what is involved will help ease any fears and ensure you make a more informed decision. From the initial consultation to the post-surgical recovery, here is what you can expect when you get a mommy makeover breast lift surgery.

25 June 2019

3 Things to Consider if You're Thinking About Plastic Surgery


Fuller lips, a better chin contour, or a more shapely torso are all popular plastic surgery goals, but what else should you consider before going under the knife? If you are considering a surgical procedure to boost your appearance, consider these three things first.   1. Surgeon Experience and Reputation Before you work with anyone to accomplish your physical goals, it is important to find out whether or not they have the experience and portfolio necessary to complete your procedure.

30 April 2019

More Than Just A Nose Job: Other Facial Surgeries Plastic Surgeons Do


Everyone is familiar with the most common cosmetic surgery for faces. It is the nose job, and while that might be what some people want done, it is not what everyone wants. If you want a consultation for some other facial surgery, you can consult with a surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery services. You might be surprised to learn that all of the following surgeries and services are performed by these cosmetic specialists.

6 February 2019

3 Tips To Help You Look Great After Having A Baby


Motherhood is a joyous, wonderful thing. Unfortunately, pregnancy can be hard on your body. Like many women, you may be anxious to get your pre-baby body back as quickly as possible. Here are three tips to help you look great after you've had a baby. 1. Exercise when you can. Exercise is one of the best ways to lose weight. It burns calories, and it can even improve your mood. Before starting an exercise regimen after giving birth, make sure to consult with your doctor.

30 November 2018