3 Helpful Tips When Recovering After A Tummy Tuck


If you have some excess fat that doesn't seem to go away no matter how hard you try, a tummy tuck may be a viable procedure. It's designed to give you a flatter stomach and improve your confidence. To ensure your recovery goes according to plan, consider these tips.

1. Get Some Assistance 

After this procedure, your body is going to be extremely sore for the next couple of days. It may be so sore that you won't want to get up. As such, it's a good idea to get some assistance, at least until you're up on your feet again.

Whether it's your friend or one of your family members, having an assistant lets you focus strictly on recovering. They can run various errands, such as getting your food, doing laundry, cleaning up, and getting your prescription medication. Thanks to an assistant, you don't have to overexert yourself and possibly get injured.

2. Eat the Right Foods 

You can promote healing and recover quicker from one of these tummy tuck operations simply by eating the right foods. After all, nutrients and vitamins help you deal with aches and pains throughout your entire body.

There are many things you should eat during your recovery. Lean protein, for example, can help knit together tissues because it's full of collagen. Fermented dairy also plays an important role in boosting your immune system and helping your body fight off infection after surgery. You'll also want to promote healthy bowel movements during your recovery, which you can do when you eat fiber-rich foods like prunes.

3. Obey Your Plastic Surgeon 

Perhaps the best resource for learning how to recover after a tummy tuck is your plastic surgeon. They've probably operated on hundreds of patients in the past, and they know what strategies work best for helping your body recover.

It's important that you listen to their directions exactly as stated, whether it's limiting your physical activity, sleeping a certain way at night, or putting a stop to smoking. You need to continue seeing your surgeon after the procedure is complete as well, so they can make sure your body is healing correctly. If you're still in a lot of pain, they can prescribe pain-relieving medication to help with your recovery. 

Tummy tucks are amazing procedures that can give you the stomach you've always wanted. To get through this procedure and maximize your results, though, you need to follow a strict protocol when it comes to recovery.  


10 April 2018

Getting a Chemical Peel

Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve been a daddy’s girl. Now that my father is getting older, I’m starting to worry more about his health. Because he worked outdoors for decades, I was happy when my dad recently started to visit a dermatologist. This medical professional discovered that my dear dad had several skin cancers on his face. This individual removed my father’s skin cancers by burning and freezing them. He also recommended that my father undergo a chemical peel in order to prevent some of the cancers on his face from returning. On this blog, you will discover the health benefits of getting a chemical peel on your face. Enjoy!