Breast Lift Surgery: What To Expect


Your kids are getting older, you're done with breastfeeding, and you're ready to pay attention to yourself. For many moms, a breast lift is an ideal way to regain their confidence after having one or many babies. If you're considering a breast lift, understanding what is involved will help ease any fears and ensure you make a more informed decision.

From the initial consultation to the post-surgical recovery, here is what you can expect when you get a mommy makeover breast lift surgery.

The Initial Consultation

The first appointment is crucial because it helps you understand the benefits of breast lift surgery, the types of surgeries available, and if you are a candidate. Breastfeeding and getting older can cause your breasts to sag dramatically. A breast lift can help restore their shape. If you opt for breast augmentation surgery, you can achieve the perky look you've always wanted.

Next, your doctor will perform a physical examination and discuss how you can benefit from a breast lift. For example, if your nipples are pointing downwards, your surgeon can lift the breast and reposition them to ensure they are pointing forward. Your doctor will take pictures and discuss the procedure and any potential complications.

Lastly, your doctor will determine if you are a good candidate. Typically, a good candidate for a breast lift is a woman who is healthy, doesn't smoke, and feels uncomfortable with the look and shape of her breasts.

The Procedure

Your doctor will provide you with a list of pre-operative instructions, including stopping any blood thinners a few days or weeks before the procedure and making sure to not eat anything for several hours before the operation. When you arrive at the hospital, you will be prepped for surgery and the doctor will perform a final examination.

You will be led into the operating room and will either receive a combination of local anesthesia and sedation, which won't make you completely unconscious, or general anesthesia, which will render you unconscious. Next, the doctor will make the necessary incisions to achieve the desired results.

For example, if you have minimal sagging and want to reshape your breasts, your surgeon may choose a peri-areolar lift. This lift involves making a small incision around the areola and leaves behind minimal scarring. The type of breast lift surgery your doctor performs will also be affected by your choice to also have breast augmentation.

Finally, the surgeon will wrap your breasts in gauze and insert a drain into either or both breasts. The drains help remove any fluids that can collect in the breasts after surgery.

The Aftercare

After the procedure, your doctor will wheel you into a recovery room. Depending on the type of sedation, it could take anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours to become fully conscious. You will remain in recovery for a few hours and will experience some discomfort.

Once you are cleared to leave the hospital, your breasts will still be wrapped in gauze and you will leave with the drains intact. Your surgeon will provide information about how to clean and empty your drains and how long they should remain.

Expect to be sore for a couple of weeks and to experience some swelling and numbness around the areola and the incisions. Take it easy for the first few days after the procedure and don't lift any heavy objects or head back to work until you are given the all-clear by your surgeon.

Watch for signs of infection, including severe pain, severe swelling, foul-smelling discharge, or a fever. Contact your surgeon right away if you experience any of these symptoms.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over 90,000 breast lift surgeries were performed in the United States in 2013. If you're ready to regain your confidence and are wanting to be part of this number, contact a plastic surgeon at a clinic like Dr. Marcos Cosmetic Surgery and MedSpa with any questions.


25 June 2019

Getting a Chemical Peel

Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve been a daddy’s girl. Now that my father is getting older, I’m starting to worry more about his health. Because he worked outdoors for decades, I was happy when my dad recently started to visit a dermatologist. This medical professional discovered that my dear dad had several skin cancers on his face. This individual removed my father’s skin cancers by burning and freezing them. He also recommended that my father undergo a chemical peel in order to prevent some of the cancers on his face from returning. On this blog, you will discover the health benefits of getting a chemical peel on your face. Enjoy!