Aftercare Instructions For Tummy Tuck Surgery


Tummy tuck surgery is often performed after significant amounts of weight have been lost or after childbirth. It is considered a cosmetic procedure, and before you undergo your surgery, you will need to schedule a consultation appointment with your surgeon. During your appointment, your physician will talk to you about what to expect before, during, and immediately following your tummy tuck, as well as the following aftercare instructions. 

Drainage Tube Care

During your surgery, your physician will place drainage tubes in your abdominal area to get rid of excess fluid to reduce your risk for a seroma. A seroma is a pocket of subcutaneous fluid that can develop after surgical procedures. Before you are discharged from the hospital or surgical center, the doctor or nurse will show you how to care for your drainage tubes. You will also learn how to measure the fluid that has accumulated in the collection bulb.

After measuring the fluid, you will be instructed to record it on the drainage sheet that was sent home with you. The physician will advise you to empty your drains at approximately the same time each day and empty your drains only after the bulb has been compressed to avoid spillage and maintain adequate suction.

It is also essential that you wash your hands thoroughly and put on latex or plastic gloves prior to performing drain care. You will also need to clean the drain sites each day with a hydrogen peroxide solution. After you have cleaned the drainage sites, you will need to apply the antibiotic ointment given to you by your surgeon and then cover the sites with a sterile dressing.

Compression Garment

You will be sent home with a compression garment, otherwise known as an abdominal binder. You will wear your binder for a couple of months for abdominal support during the healing process and to reduce fluid buildup in your abdominal tissues.

While wearing your compression garment, you will be instructed to avoid over-exerting yourself and bending over. Doing so may open your incision, raising the risk for bleeding and repair surgery. Although your garment needs to fit snugly, avoid wrapping it too tight because this can impair circulation and delay healing after your tummy tuck.

If you develop an increase in pain, heavy bleeding, fever, chills, or weakness after your procedure, call your surgeon right away. These signs and symptoms may mean that you have a postoperative infection that needs to be evaluated and treated promptly.

To learn more about getting a tummy tuck, contact a cosmetic surgeon near you. 


18 March 2020

Getting a Chemical Peel

Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve been a daddy’s girl. Now that my father is getting older, I’m starting to worry more about his health. Because he worked outdoors for decades, I was happy when my dad recently started to visit a dermatologist. This medical professional discovered that my dear dad had several skin cancers on his face. This individual removed my father’s skin cancers by burning and freezing them. He also recommended that my father undergo a chemical peel in order to prevent some of the cancers on his face from returning. On this blog, you will discover the health benefits of getting a chemical peel on your face. Enjoy!