
Two Tips For Preventing Weight Gain After Liposuction


One misconception about liposuction is that it can help people lose weight. While it's true that liposuction does remove unwanted fat, doctors will typically only eliminate a maximum of 11 pounds for safety reasons. Additionally, the body will manufacture more fat cells as needed to replace the ones that were extracted. This means that you could gain any weight you lost back if you're not careful. Here are two tips for keeping the weight off after undergoing liposuction.

4 October 2017

Post-Partum Body Got You Feeling Self-Conscious? Learn How To Gain Your Confidence Back


Are you not quite feeling like yourself after having a new baby? You may feel less confident and more insecure about yourself now that your body has changed. Although it is perfectly normal for a woman's body to change during and after pregnancy, there are ways for you to gain that confidence back so that you can feel good about yourself while raising your new baby. Exercise Regularly Did you know exercise could help you improve your mental and physical health?

31 July 2017

3 Tips For Preparing The Skin On Your Legs For Your First Waxing Session


If you have decided to have your legs waxed for the first time before a summer outing, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to prepare your skin. If so, use the following three tips in the days leading up to your appointment. Let Your Leg Hair Grow If you normally shave your legs, stop shaving them about a week before your appointment. Letting the hair grow out during this time frame allows it be long enough for the wax to grab onto.

26 July 2017

Tips For Reducing Bruises After Dermal Filling


If you want to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles on your face or if you just want a fuller look around the eyes, cheeks, and mouth, then you may want to think about investing in some cosmetic injections with dermal fillers. However, these injections can sometimes cause a little minor facial bruising immediately after the procedure. Thankfully, you can easily reduce bruising issues with the tips outlined below.

14 April 2017

Looking For Ways To Turn Back The Visual Hands Of Time? Consider A Stem Cell Facelift


Most people start to think about how they can make themselves look and feel younger as they age. So, you aren't alone when it comes to searching for a solution that will turn back the hands of time – at least by a few years. When you feel good about the way you look, you're likely be happier in your daily life as time goes on. Here's why you should consider investing in a stem cell facelift to get the youthful, healthy glow you're craving:

29 March 2017

What to Expect When Recovering From Facelift Surgery


If you've been unhappy with the aging appearance of your face, a facelift procedure can certainly restore a more taut, youthful look. However, a lot of patients have concerns about recovering from a facelift procedure and what the recovery process entails. Learning a bit more about the recovery process will help you determine if this procedure is really right for you. Do you have to stay in the hospital after your facelift?

11 February 2016

3 Things For Diabetics To Know About Duodenal Switch Surgery


According to Diabetes Self-Management, people with diabetes often have a hard time losing weight. Because of this, many of them will turn to bariatric surgery to help them successfully eliminate the extra pounds. Of all the options available, a duodenal switch (DS) appears to be the safest and most effective type of surgery for diabetics. If you are diabetic and are interested in this, here are three things you should know.

7 November 2014

Venous Ulcers And Sickle Cell Disease: What You Need To Know


Venous ulcers are a common health problem. They have many causes, including obesity, diabetes and hypertension. One cause of leg ulcers that is not often discussed is sickle cell disease. Because leg ulcers are common in people who have sickle cell disease, learning about them can be an important step in your healthcare. If you're dealing with the effects of sickle cell, here's what you need to know about leg ulcers.

6 October 2014